L'article du lundi

Publié le par Claire

      Here it is! The loong-looked-for  'Article du Lundi'!!...Except that it's wednesday today, ok. But I had so much to do the past few days. Monday was a free day for most of the pupils, but I had to go to school because my Italian teacher, unlike most of the others, was there. And then, on my way back home, I stopped at Maxi (the supermarket) to take money...which made me suffer much, since the numerous bicycle paths in Umeå are quite winding and sloping, so the way home seemed (and was) much longer that it should have been. So when I got home, I was kind of too lazy to write anything on that blog.

    So. Let me resume that entry with the 'weekly report'; last week was nice...On monday, we (my friends and I) went to Lovisa's to 'fika' for it was her birthday. There was her 'finnish crazy choir' too, as she calls them.  It was really nice ;-)   And I know I will miss those 'fika'-evenings when I'm back in France.

Then on tuesday, I have no memory of what I did...Wednesday was a free day as well, because it was an 'utvecklingssamtal'-day...Well, it's like in France, when the pupils abd their parents have to meet the teachers. But here we are only supposed to meet our main teacher, and it lasts about 30 minutes. Mine was yesterday and it went quite ok.

    Ahhh...sorry, I'll stop with the weekly report cause I don't remember anything about last week, apart from the G I got in...philosophy!!!! Well, i have to explain to you the grades system in Swede: you can get IG, G, VG, MVG. If you get IG, it means you don't pass. And I guess G corresponds to our 10/20, VG to 14-16/20 and MVG to 17/20. Or maybe I'm totally wrong...haha

Well, anyway: G in philosophy, but 3 IG in Religion (or...one, but I'm pretty sure I'll get Ig to the other two tests we did so far).

    Apart from all that, nothing really interesting for you to know, I guess. Florence told me she started learning Swedish...which is cool, but on the other hand, I'm not that pleased with that, cause I wanted to learn a language nobody would learn in France...and yet there will be two people speaking Swedish in the family... But well, it's ok. I'll try to learn Hindi then. And Romanian. And Greek. And Arab. And...and...Oh, could somedy lend a second brain to me so that I can manage to do that?

    Sorry but I'll stop writing now...My English is really awful today and once more, I have no inspiration. What is worse that a lack of inspiration??

    En exclusivité, rien que pour le fun:

Les Perles de Carolina lors de l'interro de religion:

Varför förknippas Jesus på Juldagen? (Que comémore-t-on le jour de Noël?) --> 'Jesus dog på Juldagen ' (La mort de Jésus)

När börjar den kristna kalendern? (Quand commence le claendrier chrétien?) --> '1900-talet'. (au 19ème siècle... En même temps, je me suis bien plantouillée aussi; j'ai répondu 'le 1er janvier')

    Mais un véritable duel s'est engagé il y a une petite demie heure, quand Ola a téléphoné à la maison: 

     - Hej! Det är Ola. Är det Claire?

     - Ja. (oui)

     - Är du hemma då? (Ah tu es à la maison?  - Avouez que cette question était bête)

     - Nej. (non)

A quand la prochaine réponse débile? Qui de Caro et moiremportera la palme de la la réponse la plus débile????

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Salut!I'm here in Riga now for some time, I'm getting accustomed to the Latvian life style. I really enjoy that I happen to be in Latvia, it's great. The language is difficult, but I'm getting better and better. And I forget more and more French, I guess my brain isn't even capable to know 4 languages. Just reading French still works. Oh, there is one girl from France in Latvia too ;-) So much now, I'm always short of time here ... and time is speeding away. Au revoir, Jona
au fait, comment va KIRIKOU?
c'est clair que Ghilouse radote! mdr normalement si tout va bien tu vas bientôt avoir une surprise je n'en dit pas plus (cf ma lettre ,c'est la même surprise!)
dsl de pas avoir mi de cmmentaire plus tôt! <br /> elle a fait fort quand même pour l'interro de religion!<br /> mais dis moi, vous en avez combien par semaine?! mdr<br /> gros bisous, j'ai hate de lire le prochain article!
Ahhh Ghislouse, tu me feras toujours autant rire...<br /> Et il faut que je t'avoue quelque chose: les parties de cache-cache et la dégustation hebdomadaire de 'barquettes trois chatons' avec toi et Clo me manquent énormément...<br /> pour ton cheveu...moui...je le garderai précieusement dans le tiroir de ma table de chevet, mais de la à le porter en sautoir, je sais pas...Et puis c'est une idée réchauffée, tu l'avais déjà demandé à Madame M...